
Boomerscupid.com:Senior dating site for 50 plus singles

Mention AARP and most people think of Social Security, Medicare and senior discounts. Now the group is getting into the dating business.
The organization has launched an online dating channel, and an online dating site for the senior singles.
“AARP wanted to get into the game because one, we know isolation is a very big issue for our members as they age,” said Nataki Edwards, Vice President of Digital Strategies and Operations at AARP. Edwards said a quarter of the group’s 37 million members are single and many have been asking the organization to help them link up with others.
“It’s not necessarily about getting married,” Edwards told ABC News. “It’s about the companionship and having fun things to do with someone else.”
senior dating

AARP’s new venture is not the first dating site geared toward this age group. It’ll be competing with Zoosk and Tagged, which bills itself as the premier senior online dating service. AARP is partnering with boomerscupid.com whose philosophy is to get people out on dates early on to see if they hit it off, rather than spending a lot of time getting to know each other online, only to find there’s no chemistry when they meet in person. Edwards calls it “dating like they used to date.”
That appeals to Shelley Kilburn, who describes herself as a “54-year-old SWF (single white female).” Kilburn said she likes the idea of meeting face-to face, telling ABC News, “When you talk to someone in person you get a better image or feeling, you have that ability to use a (woman’s intuition), that sixth sense.”
Kilburn, a Southern California resident and a former news colleague of this reporter, has been divorced for five years. She hasn’t tried online dating yet, but says she might gravitate to an AARP site because to her the group has a trustworthy “history and reputation, (so) I would be comfortable.”
Carol Siflinger agrees, writing in response to a Facebook question about the new site, “It is a great idea! I would hope singles going to this site would be of a better caliber than ‘meat market’ sites!”
For those 50 plus group, trying to date again can be daunting.
“It’s not so easy for people because many of them haven’t dated for 30 years or more”, said relationship expert Pepper Schwartz, who’s written extensively on sexuality. Schwartz, who is also AARP’s Love and Relationship Ambassador, says online dating can be especially unnerving. “Honestly, I think most of them go kicking and screaming. They wouldn’t do this if there was another option.”
Schwartz, who is 67, says she met her fiancé online. “It’s not easy: you have to work at it. You have to be resilient.” Of course, Schwartz adds, that’s not necessarily age-related. “Who ever found dating easy,” she says, “even when they were younger?”
Looking for a companion online worked wonderfully for Becky Hedlund Lemaire, of Breaux Bridge, La., who met her husband of six years through an online service. She says no matter which senior dating site you rely on, it’s important to take safety seriously.
“Always meet in public”, says Lemaire, “Don’t give out personal information and make sure someone knows where you are going to meet.”
AARP has tips too for the more mature dater — the group suggests you don’t spend the first date talking only about your children or grandchildren, or your aches and pains. The organization says its new online dating channel will help with dating advice.
Those popular senior discounts will come into play too. AARP is offering a seven-day free trial, then half off the dating service price for its members.

AARP’s Edwards said she won’t be using the new service because “I am married myself.” However, she laughs, “I have sent it to every single friend that I have who is looking.”

Learning Today’s Senior Dating market

With mature adults living longer many of those unmarried are returning to the dating scene after a divorce or windowed, death of a spouse or some other circumstance. But those seeking romance need to be careful in doing so.
The Americans over 50 years of age,In 2002, it was over twenty-seven percent. By 2020, it will be over thirty-five percent. Because seniors are living longer, healthier lives than at any other time in our history, many of these unmarried, mature individuals – regardless of their advanced age, some even in their 80s and 90s – have returned to the dating scene.  

senior dating

Monica Burton With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we talked to a therapist in the St. Petersburg area who often helps people, including senior singles, in regards to dating.  We asked her for advice for the mature man or woman seeking to re is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a master’s degree in this type of counseling from Nova Southeastern University. She is also a clinical member and president of the Florida Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Here is some of what she shared with us:
 When does a person know it’s time to date again? Burton said you will know based on your own intuition: "You will have a gut feeling.” You will come to realize there is a certain void in your life, a need that is not being met.
According to an AARP study done of singles aged 50-plus, 49% said their reason for getting back into the dating scene was simply, “Having someone to talk to or do things with.”  Burton said either of these are good reasons. Making the decision to get into the dating scene doesn’t have to be that complicated.
 How would you advise an older person, in terms of what he or she can do to take the first steps in the dating process? Burton responded for singles today there are many “safe” options in seeking a mate. “Go with those you are most comfortable with,” she noted. 
Options she mentioned for mature singles include: 
- Participating in a “support network’. She noted there are often “safe” senior dating site .people can join right in their retirement living communities.  Other venues where older mature people can gather to talk and get to know one another are networking groups through churches and other houses of worship. 
- Being a regular visitor at a senior dating site can sometimes open the door to romance.
www.boomerscupid.com. A free senior dating site which maintain a consistent age range dedicated specifically to mature members interested in meeting others online since 2003.
where lonely older people living by themselves with time to spare, could congregate, stimulating their socialization. Although program continues to serve this purpose, it has also led to dating within members of the group: the most serious being the romance that has blossomed. You can find more about the senior dating sites by google:www.google.com  search the key words “Free senior dating site”.
 Consider finding a mate through senior dating sites.senior singles  often are anxious about searching for someone on senior dating sites, but many sites are really safe these days in helping compatible singles find one another,” Burton said.
The proof: According to a 2006 survey by the renowned research company Nielsen, in their quest to find love and companionship computer users aged 55-plus accounted for 16.7% of all traffic to on-line personal sites. And in a survey done a year later by Lehman Brothers Equity Research, they discovered that the fastest growing group of subscribers for online dating was the 50-plus-age segment in the U.S. Two sites Burton recommends are boomerscupid.com and boomersfinder.com.
• Always make your initial dates with someone in a public place. Certainly, your first date and perhaps other initial dates with someone should be in a public place.  Burton recommends that couples consider such activities as: having dinner, meeting for coffee, going to a fresh market together or simply walking on the beach with one another as a good first date. “You want to take this time to talk and get to know one another. Therefore, avoid places with loud music and certainly don’t go to see a movie.”
Consider going out with someone in a group settingBurton suggests that a singles couple go out with another couple on a first date, or perhaps several senior singles get together and go out for a group activity. This will provide you with the opportunity to talk to one or more people in the group you might be interested in dating. 


Senior Dating: 10 Great First Date Ideas

Does the idea of senior dating make you a little nervous? That's a natural feeling for adults of any age, especially if you're out of practice.
Whether you’re 16 or 65, the best way to enjoy a first date is to keep an open mind, focus on the things you have in common, and make your primary goal to simply have a good time.
senior dating ideas

To help you on your way, here are 10 great senior dating ideas that are perfect for older adults:
1. Get Up and Dance. Whether you’re the belle of the ball or have two left feet, dancing is a great way to get close, have fun, and check for chemistry. Many ballrooms and other dance facilities sponsor group lessons before the real dancing begins to help people who are rusty get back in the swing of things or learn a few new steps.
2. Spread a Blanket. Nothing is more romantic than a picnic in a beautiful spot. Make it even more special by shopping together to choose the food and wine that will fill your basket. It’s a great opportunity to share some of your favorite things with someone you’re just getting to know.
3. What Am I Bid? If you support the same causes, attend a charity auction. You’ll have a chance to mingle with other people, which will lessen the first-date pressure, and you’ll be contributing to something you both care about.

4. Get Moving. Maybe you both enjoy tennis or golf, or just like going for long walks. Sharing a physical activity on a first date can help create a bond that may bring you closer together while you stay in shape.
5. Is This Art? Create an artful senior dating experience by attending a gallery walk or touring a museum. Everyone has an opinion about art, so the conversation is sure to be lively.
6. Cast Off. Rent kayaks, a row boat, or a canoe and set sail on a mini-cruise around a local lake or lagoon. Being on the water will shift your perspective and make it easier for you and your date to navigate any awkward moments.
7. To Market, To Market. Check out a farmers market or flea market in your area. Browsing among the stalls and having so many different things to see and discuss will help keep the conversation flowing.
8. Step Right Up. For something a little different, take in a state or county fair together. You’ll find a wealth of fun things you can do together—from playing the games on the midway to comparing notes about the 4-H projects—and strolling the grounds while you get to know each other will keep things light and lively.
9. Fruit of the Vine. Whether you’re a wine connoisseur or have trouble telling Cabernet from Merlot, visiting a local winery or attending a wine tasting together is a great way to get to know each other while learning something new and sampling one of life’s true pleasures.

10. Literary Interlude. If you both enjoy books, this is a natural senior dating idea. Attend a reading at a local bookstore, and then browse the shelves comparing notes about your favorite authors and titles. Follow that up with coffee and dessert, and you’ve got a first date that could be the start of a new life chapter.


Senior Dating thoughts for Senior singles

Dating can be a lot of fun. Everybody loves to get out there and meet new people, with the thought of maybe find their parthers,The same can be said when it comes to senior dating . Age is no reflection when it comes to love and companionship  and senior dating can be very fulfilling and a worthwhile experience.
But what happens if you are a senior dater ? Its not easy to pick yourself up and start again, especially at this part of your life. So what do you do? Where do you start when it comes to senior dating for senior singles?
senior singles

Senior dating should not be embarked upon lightly because it can become challenging to find that special someone to share the rest of your life with. When you are divorced or you lost your husband or wife, then it can take some time to get back into the dating scene.
But that doesnt mean that senior dating is a scary either. In fact, it can be lots of fun because you have a new chance at finding someone again. If youre tired of watering the plants all day, or tired of just feeding birds then saddle up and hop back up on the exciting scene of senior dating. But wait, where and how do you starting dating again if you are newly senior single?

Make sure that you are ready to start dating again

Dont feel that you have to rush into anything because you are afraid of being alone. If you have been widowed recently. then it may take a long time to get over your loss love and you may need to make sure that you are ready to let somebody else into your life again. Being a senior does not mean that you have to rush because youre afraid to be alone. Take it slowly and only begin dating when you know you can handle it.
Know where to begin

When it comes to senior dating, it can be difficult knowing where to look for your senior partner, but dont despair! There are plenty of places that you can find your senior soul mate . There are a lot of senior dating sites available that will help you to find somebody efficiently.
You can even try speed dating because there are often venues that cater for the senior dater. The avenues are endless if youre committed to finding someone.
senior singles

Be enthusiastic about dating again
If you get yourself worried about being alone or dating, then it can be difficult to find somebody new. Take your time and be open for the exciting things to come. People will sense that about you and be attracted to what you have to offer.
Whether you are widowed or divorced, remember that there are other seniors out there in the same position who are waiting for you to contact them. It can be scary getting yourself back out there, but there are so many senior singles that you will soon forget all about your worries because you will be too busy arranging dates!

The rules to Senior dating online

began a senior dating online, then there are a few things that you might want to consider when return to dating scene again.
There are men and women all over the world senior, junior, tall, short all looking a ideal someone for hobbies, romance, friendship, love or marriage. And dating can be a difficult business because we all had bad dates, scary dates, good dates, and dates that never call again, but it can be doubly difficult if you are trying senior dating.
Not because you are not confident, good looking, and have a lot to offer potential matches, but mostly because there is that myth for women that senior men prefer younger woman.
We have all heard of the young girls that marry the seniors for their money or the senior leaving his wife for a cheerleader. Sadly this can actually happen, but that doesnt mean that there arent senior men out there looking for women their own age that they can connect with. In fact, there are hundreds of seniors just waiting for a date a date hopefully with you!
Here are a few rules to senior dating to help you on your way:
senior dating

To tell the truth about your age
There is no point in lying about your age if you are joining a senior dating site or answering a personal ads, even if it is just to knock a few years off for your own benefit. You want to find somebody that you will hopefully be with, so start it off with honesty and you will stand a better chance.

Don’t settle for second best
It shouldn’t matter how old you are, so you should never settle for second best. If you want a soul mate or a companion, then you should look for somebody that you have been dreaming of your whole life. You are never too old to find the man or woman of your dreams

Put a detailed profile
on a senior dating site, your profile is the most important aspect of your journey to finding your perfect match, so make the most of it. Remember that it is the first thing that your potential matches are going to see. Add some of your favorite pictures of yourself, family, and friends and write about your interests, hobbies, and what makes you laugh. Be open and honest and you will find that people are open and honest with you.
In order to find your perfect senior match, you need to search. Don’t be afraid to view other people’s profiles, browse senior dating sites, and talk to anyone who catches your eye. Don’t wait for the others to come to you!

Have fun
This is is all 
 the most important thing to remember! Have fun and enjoy yourself. That is what dating about. And if you do have a bad senior date, then you can always laugh about it with your friends the next day!


Senior Online Dating Guide

Senior online dating is becoming more and more popular in senior singles.
Now We have to say goodbye to Online dating is not just for young people .Millions of senior singles are seeking for new ways to date and start a new life. Senior dating sites report significant increases in senior dating, especially between the age of 50 and 65 in the recent years.If youre over 50 and looking for senior romance online, senior  online dating can be a good choice for you to find senior dating and senior romance. Over 50 is a very romantic time in your life. People generally become more romantic as they get older, they learn to taste the finer things in life. but,just as you take steps to ensure that your face-to-face dating experience is the best, you should also follow a few guidelines for senior online dating.

Firstly : Know what you want 

Online dating is different from traditional dating in many ways. In the past, you might meet interesting singles in a social event, church groups, a bar, or even at work. Maybe the person's appearance or smile will attract you, you'll make such initial connection in a person.
Online dating, you need to be very clear know what you're looking for. Because online dating site databases have thousands of members. Do you want to search the database of other people, just like you, looking for love. Narrow your search according to the decision what kind of relationship you want (friendship, love, a long time, the age range you comfortable,  someone who has kids, what interests you would like the person to share, and whether religion or politics will be important to you).
Make a list of all of these important factors before you start your search,  narrowing your search results and have a better chance of meeting.

Secondly :  Look in the right places

Google the words senior online dating and youll get about 99.3 million results. Thats a lot of senior singles looking to make a connection. Narrow your search for senior romance by sticking with sites that cater to your age group and interests. I recommend a senior dating site----- http://www.boomerscupid/ ,  which maintain a consistent age range dedicated specifically to senior singles interested in meeting others online. All of these members will be verified. This website have a professional CS team, assisting the members in finding the special one efficiently.

Thirdly : Be honest and not be too open

Age is just a number. It's never too late to fall in love. Honesty is the base of good relationship, it is important to you when dating online. The truth of your age, lifestyle, interests, and what kind of relationship you are looking for.
Doing a new connection, proceed with caution. Don't put too much personal identifying information in your user profile. Although most of the online daters have faithful desire.more safety information in senior online dating.
In today's Internet age, online dating has been becoming more and more popular in our life.  more senior singles than ever are looking for senior romance online. With the right preparation and prevention measures, you can ensure that you make a perfect connection in senior online dating.                           


Senior Dating –For Senior Singles

Senior dating is a mode through which two senior people mainly of opposite sex come in contact in order to understand their compatibility levels. The motive of senior dating is to understand whether the senior singles are compatible enough to marry each other or not. senior dating gives an understanding about each other.  Although the meaning of senior dating  differs a lot from country to country, still it is used in this context only.

What is online senior dating?
Online senior dating is a type of dating wherein senior individuals get connected on Internet with the sole objective of searching friends, sexual relationships or a life partner. There are senior dating websites that are created by various companies. They act as a platform for senior singles to get connected to other senior singles.

Neee for online senior dating:
It is rightly said that “Every person needs a life partner in his/her life”. In older age the need for having a partner arises to a great level. But there are many older people who are left alone either due to the demise of their spouse or due to divorce or due to single hood, etc…

Seeing this, various companies have started senior dating sites for senior singles. These senior dating sites not only help one senior singles find the other senior singles but they also provide great  senior dating tips.
Every person wants to sound perfect and hence these sites give tips for a good impression. Right from searching people to giving additional tips on way ahead, all this is provided by senior dating ideas for senior singles
The trend of senior dating growing worldwide. Senior singles are indeed finding this platform to be very useful as it is helping them find their partner. They can find senior singles as per their need. Some look for friendships, some for physical relationship while some seek life partner.
Senior dating sites are indeed an ideal place to start senior dating. People find this as an ideal way as they can get real information of people, whom they would like to date with.

The best place for friendship and  Senior Singles is indeed these senior dating sites. In the old age, people tend to find life full of solitude and boredom. But life indeed has a lot more to offer to make it happening and good. These senior dating sites indeed give a different experience altogether. They fill the life of older men and women with excitement and zeal. It actually fills the space in their life, as they tend to get hooked on the senior dating sites. They can find people to chat, to befriend or to get married. To get to know about people, one needs to first subscribe himself/herself creating an account. After that the person can easily add people and know about them. If used and accessed properly, the person might find an ideal life partner for him/her. Also it is very essential to understand the emotions of the person on the other side of your system. One needs to be very sensitive and avoid haste

Safety First in Senior Dating

With more and more senior singles start to use senior dating sites, romance scammers also target this age group in recent years as most of them are financially stable, Besides, they are easy to trust people and like to help others, the scammers took advantage of these to try to scam them for money. But it is not to say online dating is unsafe, we just want to let you know and be aware of their common skills’ to avoid romance scammers in senior dating .In most cases, senior female who are divorced, widowed are the main target. They have relatively lower chance to meet people who are interested in them, scammers would take advantage of this and get in touch. Here is how they usually work: They would have a decent profile with photo/photos that looks decent as well. But of course, both of them are fake. They will get in touch with you pretend to be interested in you, claim that they are in the same area with you but currently travelling abroad or working in other country. After communication for a while, you may thought you were in some kind of relationship with this nice’ guy, what is really going to happen is that this new friend’ of you would ask you for money.You can not deny the truth that scammers exist in almost all the online dating sites. But you do not have to worry too much about it, Senior dating sites like BoomersCupid would kill’ these scammers profiles at the first time. Once there is registration, we will manually screen the profiles to close those obvious scammer profiles. If there is any chance that they can get through, he is also under monitor by his online activities. Then here is what you can do to help us spot it out.
If someone contact you, read his profile carefully. Some scammers are not serious about this profile and you can found details to proof it to be a fake profile.
Since all online activities are monitoring by us, you are safe when you do online communications with others. But scammers are eager to ask you to do offline communication. So if someone is asking in his first contact, you need to careful.
After all, money is their goal. When someone asking you for money. You need to be careful. Never let our any personally info until you feel that person is trust worthy.
Anytime you found any suspicious profile/activity, you can report it to us, we will do the further investigation for you.
We work hard to close down profiles that is fake or from scammers. All we have done is to provide you a safe Senior Dating site helping senior singles find their love, romance or friendship. These tips are just for your information, you may never need them. Hope you can find that special one soon.
h more and more senior singles start to use senior dating sites, romance scammers also target this age group in recent years as most of them are financially stable, Besides, they are easy to trust people and like to help others, the scammers took advantage of these to try to scam them for money. But it is not to say online dating is unsafe, we just want to let you know and be aware of their common skills’ to avoid romance scammers in senior dating .